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City Chapters

PSAI India was founded on principles of abundance.  We plan to diversify and unite all members across India. This is a wonderful opportunity for people from each city to unite and form a network.For PSAI believes in caring, sharing and networking in establishing the lifelong network.

Each people from different cities can take part in their own city chapter formation and lead the team to global accolades and showcase themselves as professional speakers all over India and in the process getting global recognition

For further details please select your city of convenience.

Want to Start a New Chapter ? Here are the Guidelines

Please read through the following for the 'New Chapter' formation guideline -

1.  Chapter Champion: “Chapter Champion” is someone who shows interest in forming a New Chapter in the city of his/her residence where no prior chapter is in existence, there being a one city one chapter policy at the PSAI.  Chapter Champion will not be an official designation in the National Managing Committee or the City chapters.

2.  Period of Membership for Chapter Champion: Chapter Champion shall be a member of PSA of India for a minimum period of six months before applying for a new chapter formation. During this time, he/she will be attached to a Parent City Chapter where there will be an invitation to join the chapter executive committee at the end of three months. This executive tenure will last for a minimum period of three months so as to familiarize with the culture and practices of the association.

3.  Minimum Number of Members for New Chapter: For starting a new Chapter, the chapter champion will need to have minimum Ten PSAI members residing in the proposed local city. He / She will also need to formally share the list of names who will be on the Local City Managing Committee.  

4.  Interest for Forming a New Chapter: On completion of the minimum period of membership, the Chapter Champion will communicate their interest in forming a new chapter to the President.

5.  Approval: The assigned Parent City Chapter head along with the National Managing Committee will review the readiness of the Chapter Champion and will provide a formal approval for forming the new chapter. Once he receives the approval, he / she can announce the formation of the new chapter.

6.  New Chapter Managing Committee: The new City Chapter Managing Committee would then take responsibility to manage the new chapter. The Parent City Chapter Head will be a member of the managing committee for not more than one year to ensure support.

7.  New Chapter Head: The Chapter Champion shall become the new City Chapter President by default.As defined by the PSAI byelaws, the new chapter president will also be part of the National Managing Committee.

8.  Byelaws / Policies and Procedures: All chapters will be bound by the existing bye-laws, policies and procedures defined by the National Managing Committee.