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ProSpeak is the inhouse newsletter of PSAI created by the members and for the members. The key objective is to communicate the key happenings and learning initiatives within Professional Speakers Association of India. It also makes for a wonderful medium to showcase the wisdom and knowledge of our fellow members and leaders in the Professional Speaking Industry. 

PSS 2024

 PSS2024 is the annual flagship event of the  Professional Speakers Association of India (PSAI). International in its character which brings the best of the East & the West on a common platform. This event brings professional speakers, coaches, trainers, consultants, L&D professionals, and HR professionals under one roof.

In this issue, some of our esteemed authors share their unique experiences, and the impact of the event.

Leveraging the Power of LinkedIn for Professional Speaking

Summary  In this issue, we unravel the strategies that can elevate your profile, amplify your reach, and open doors to new opportunities. LinkedIn is more than a platform for self-promotion, it’s a space for collaboration. We participate in discussions and actively engage with our connections, which brings visibility. Every interaction is a potential stepping stone to your next speaking opportunity

Pivoting the business of Professional Speaking

In this issue, our expert contributors bring forth valuable perspectives on how to harness the power of technology, importance of nurturing authentic connections, and cultivating a personal brand that resonates with the audience.

Unleashing the Power of Branding

A brand is a unique image, which is a combination of a name, logo, and design. This image is used to distinguish  products and services from those of competitors in the market. 
It represents the identity and reputation of a business or an individual and encompasses the values, mission, and vision of the entity.
A strong personal brand is vital in the world of professional speaking as it helps establish credibility, and builds trust.  It serves as a powerful tool to drive business growth, and solidifying a speaker's position as an influential thought leader in their field.

Ace it with your niche

In a world overflowing with information, standing out from the crowd is a challenge. By honing in on a a specific area of expertise, niche can be developed. Specialization enables professionals to develop a reputation as  go-to experts, which fosters trust and credibility.

PSS 2023

We had World class speakers from 7 countries, who shared their insights, strategies, and experiences with us. We had insightful keynotes, engaging masterclasses, panel discussions on how to grow our speaking business.
We put friendship back at the heart of our networks. 
Read on and enjoy the heart-felt experiences shared by some of our participants.

Role of AI in Professional Speaking

As the speaking industry continues to evolve, it's clear that AI will play an increasingly important role in shaping the future of the profession.

Role of Presenting and performing in Professional Speaking

When we are on stage, the most important thing is to connect with our audience. Public speaking is a reflection of who we are. It's about being genuine, about showing the raw truth.

Role of Stories in Professional Speaking

Stories are one of the most powerful tools in this world to connect and influence the behaviours of people. Stories show us how experience other worlds, we know nothing about and yet help us make sense of our own world.

Content vs Delivery in Professional Speaking

When we speak, there is something beyond words that counts.
It's the flavour with which a talk is delivered.
It's not so much what you say, as how you say it.

Humour in Professional Speaking

While speaking, when we add humour to our presentations, along with feelings  and expressions on our face, we connect very well with our audience.
 Humour is a double -edged sword to be used cautiously in Speaking.

Professional Speakers Summit 2022

This issue of ProSpeak, reminds us of our proud moments from the Professional Speakers Summit 2022. It is for us to celebrate the dedication, passion and hardwork put in by the entire team.

Our distinguished speakers bring to us their learnings from the summit to help us to become gigantic global speakers. Also a deep dive into how an event of this dynamism can be conceptualized and executed.

Content and Product Development for Professional Speakers

As speakers you need to have two things by your side. These two things are in addition to technology of course. To enable you to run a smooth show, you need content that differentiates you from the herd. And you need products and collaterals in order to bring in the tinge of delight for your audience. Something tangible that they can carry back with them.

 In this issue of ProSpeak, we bring you, insights from some well-established Professional Speakers who have aced their game of content development and products. 

1st Anniversary Issue

It has been one year since the launch of the inaugural issue in November 2020. Since then, ProSpeak has published 6 issues with over 30 articles covering a wide range of topics, such as the mechanics of virtual speaking, the business of Professional Speaking, etc. ProSpeak has become an effective space for Speakers and Professionals to understand the latest trends globally in the space of Professional Speaking Industry.  This Anniversary issue is yet another endeavor of our team to create the PSAI legacy. Do watch out for the special anniversary editorial, PSAI Founding Story along with articles on the theme - Power of Uncertainty. 

The Mechanics Of Virtual Speaking

While the world sails through the current pandemic situation, we, the Professional Speakers are also striving to find ways and means to inspire our community and help them sustain through these tough times. This though would need some homework and preparation.  

Alexander Graham Bell once rightly said Before anything else, preparation is the key to success.

Virtual speaking has become the way of life and we need to constantly refine our knowledge and skills of Virtual Speaking to ensure effective engagement with audience. In view of the above, the theme of this issue of ProSpeak is “Mechanics of Virtual Speaking”.

The Business Of Professional Speaking

In this issue of PROSPEAK, we explore various aspects of what does it take go from being a 'Speaker' to being in the Business of Professional Speaking. While 'Influence' is an essential component that makes your business of professional speaking viable, the first step actually lies in Breaking Barriers. And then we also try to decode the 'Selling Affair' for professional speakers. As an icing on the cake, we have Charlotte Kemp, President PSASA sharing her mantra of leveraging the global network to become a global speaker. While we build up our business, we also have some tips on how to take care of your wellness as virtual speakers.

R.I.T.E. Values for Professional Speakers

In this issue of PROSPEAK, we focus on individual and organizational VALUES. The Mission and Vision of an individual or an organization, when coupled with Values, sets the individual purpose or business context (whatever is applicable). Here is a meaningful set of articles from select leaders at the Professional Speakers Association of India, who share their view of what certain values mean to them.

Competencies for Professional Speakers

This issue is an endeavor to continue what PSS2021 started - to help the professional speakers raise their game in the business of Professional Speaking. Some accomplished speakers, and members of PSAI share insights as to what competencies make a successful professional speaker.